Neo Science Diagnostic LLC - Oman
NIPT technology is a scientific discovery that there is fetal free baby DNA in the peripheral blood of pregnant mothers. As early as 1997, scientists have discovered fetal free DNA fragments in the blood of pregnant women. Therefore, it is not a false statement that the mother and the child are connected with each other.
NIPT is a non-invasive fetal chromosomal abnormality prenatal testing technique and a non-invasive fetal chromosome aneuploidy detection technique. NIPT Is a technology to detect from mother Peripheral blood if the feats have any fetal aneuploidy.
By collecting the peripheral blood of pregnant women, the free DNA fragments of the featus baby (including fetal free DNA) in the plasma of maternal peripheral blood are sequenced, and combined with bioinformatics analysis, the risk of fetal aneuploidy is calculated.
NIPT can detect
- Trisomy 21 Down syndrome
- Trisomy 21 Down syndrome
- Trisomy 18 Edwards' syndrome
- Trisomy 13 Patau syndrome
- Sexulat aneuploidies (Sex of Fetas)
- Chromosome aneuploidies
- Chromosome deletions/repeats.
- NIFTY can detect all 23 pairs of Chromosomes, and reports for: T21, T18, T13, T9, T16, T22, XO, XXY, XXX, XYY,60+ Microdeletions, Aneuploidies of chromosomes.
It is a non-invasive sampling, no abortion risk, high sensitivity and high accuracy.
- NIFTY Basic - more than 5,000,000 tests performed worldwide, the world’s most sensitive, robust and trustedNon-Invasive Prenatal Brand. Reports for T21, T18, 13. Sex Chromosome Aneuploidies screened include XO, XXY,XXX, XYY, plus interpretation. Gender Identification.
- NIFTY Advance - Full-package reporting, includes the basic reporting parameter plus T9, T16, T22, and more than60 Microdeletion and Duplication Syndromes. Please see (link) to access appendix of tests.
- NIFTY Twins - Using advanced techniques in the lab, BGI's NIFTY is able to screen for mom's who have twins, too!Reports for T21, T18, and T13, as well as Y chromosome abnormality.

Service Contact
+968 - 24791552

Service Contact
+968 - 24791552