Surgical Devices & Consumables
Global Source Trading LLC has set the standard for surgical devices and Strives toGlobal Source Trading LLC has set the standard for surgical devices and Strives tocontinuously provide the latest and most advanced medical products and consistentcustomer service in association with world renowned manufactures who areengaged in our market.Our mission is to increase the quality of life of patients and to improve workingconditions for healthcare specialists by distribution of high-quality innovativemedical devices, by expert counselling and by flexible reactions to market´srequests.

Interventional Cardiology , Radiology & Oncology
Interventional Cardiology , Radiology & OncologyGlobal Source Trading LLC in collaboration with BostonScientific providing high quality medical devices in thecardiac and radiology centres in Oman. Boston Scientificoffers the broadest suite of solutions for today'sInterventional Cardiologist and Radiologist to treatpatients of all degrees of complexity. By buildingcommunities of expertise within our customer base we aredeveloping and evolving technique together, connectingphysicians with one another to learn and grow, andoffering a continuum of support that develops alongsideproduct ingenuity. Explore how collaboration with BostonScientific can impact the lives of your patients.
Procedures & Treatment
- Complex PCI
- Coronary Stent Implantation
- PCI Guidance
- Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement
- Peripheral Angioplasty
- Deep vein Thrombosis
- Artherectomy System
- Radiofrequency Ablation for the soft tissues
- Embolization
- Arterial & venous Stent Systems
- Illiac and Biliary Premounted Stent System
- Renal Premounted Stent System
- Therasphere Y-90 Microsphres
- Cryoablation
Interventional Neuroradiology
Global Source Trading LLC continuous to offer best in class medical devices in the field ofneuroradiology manufactured by Balt France. Balt globally supporting healthcare professionalswith integrity for over 40 years by designing cutting-edge technology and manufacturingreliable and high quality products.
Procedures & Treatment
- Aneurysm treatment
- AVM treatment
- Stroke treatment
General Surgery
Global Source Trading LLC focused to improve the qualityof life for each patient by helping to solve the greatesthealth challenges. Global Source Trading LLC with AppliedMedical USA a new generation medical device company isequally committed to improving the accessibility andaffordability of high quality healthcare globally offerswide range of technologies and solutions.
Procedures & Treatment
- General Surgery (Laparoscopic)
- Bariatric Surgery
- Cardiovascular Surgery
- Colorectal Surgery
- Gynaecology
- Obsteric
- Urologic
Structural Heart Diseases
Global Source Trading LLC in association with Occlutechdelivers Cardiac implants and occlusion products. Occlutechis world’s leading supplier in the field of structural heartdisease with the products for congenital defects, strokeprevention and heart failure. Thousands of Occlutechdevices are implanted every year, obviously, quality andconsistent performance of the products are key to the trustof thousands of physicians who use our products.Procedures & Treatment.
Procedures & Treatment
- mVSD
Pain Management / Digestive Health / Respiratory Health / IV Therapy
Global Source Trading LLC in collaboration with Avanos Medical built on innovation, we are excitedto explore new, ground breaking products and solution that will help us create a healthier world.Avanos Medical always committed to create the next generation of innovative healthcare solutionswhich will address our most important healthcare needs, such as reducing the use of opioids whilehelping patients move from surgery to recovery.
Procedures & Treatment
- Pain Management – Acute and Chronic Pain management solutionsPain Management – Acute and Chronic Pain management solutionsAvanos COOLIEF* cooled RF is the only currently known thermal radiofrequency system usingwater-cooled technology to deactivate pain-causing sensory nerves.
- Digestive Health Solutions – Gastrostomy feeding tube , Enteral Access System , Enteral feeding, Stoma Care, Paracentesis Kits & Trays.
- Respiratory Health Solutions – Endotracheal tubes, Oralcare solutions, Closed Suction Systems, MINI-BAL Samplingcatheter
- IV Therapy Solutions – HOMEPUMP* C-series (Simplespolutions for the patients to continue chemotherapyinfusion at home), HOMEPUMP* Eclipse ideal for antibioticdelivery18